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a The daily numbers of visitors on , the Israeli adoption search engine, from e data as in panel a during COVID-19 pandemic, from . c Results of the Linear Regressions model for Yad4 online visits, in each period during the COVID-19 pandemic, as compared to before the pandemic. In these models, the predictors were: the different periods, from the outbreak in China to outbreak in Israel, the developments in Israel until full lockdown, full lockdown, and gradual opening; each period was compared to the period prior to the COVID-19 pandemic (from 2016 until the outbreak in China, represented by the horizontal dotted line); controlled for: year, month, and governmental initiatives for dog adoption on 2019. d The weekly trends of Google searches for “adopt a dog” are presented from e data as in panel d, during COVID-19 pandemic. f Results of the Linear Regressions model for global searches for adoptable dogs. In this model, the predictors were: the different periods, from the outbreak in China to the declaration of the World Health Organization on Europe as the epicenter of the pandemic, during the time most of the world was under restricted social isolation, and the gradual opening on . Each period was compared to the period from to the outbreak in China (represented by the horizontal dotted line); controlled for: year and month. In panels c and f, data are presented as coefficients (large dots) and its 95% confidence interval (bars); P < 0.05.

The fresh every day amount of someone toward Yad4 website because basic COVID-19 patient identified from inside the Israel till the stop of full lockdown try rather higher, as compared to the whole period before pandemic (Fig

3). The effect of year and month were controlled in the models (Supplementary Table S1). The linear regression model revealed that there was a significant increase in daily visits online when the outbreak emerged in Israel during March by 657.9 ± 80.8 (coefficient ± SE) visits, and by 2311 ± 82.1 daily visitors online during the total lockdown period (Fig. 3a–c; P < 0.05). For example, the absolute number of visits online in was 221,959 visits, as compared to 72,703 in , which is typically the busiest season of the website. Interestingly, according to global non-scientific media reports, the demand for adoptable dogs worldwide was also high in other countries. Pictures of empty cages from many countries were published, but until now, to the best of the authors' knowledge, no scientific data has yet been published documenting this phenomenon. Thus, the global trend was investigated by analyzing Google Trends data for searches all around the world, as well as specifically in the USA. In order to do so, the timeline was divided to three periods: (1) before the outbreak in China; (2) from the first media reports about the outbreak in China on December 27th until March 13th-when the World Health Organization (WHO) announced Europe to be the epicenter of the pandemic; (3) the main lockdown worldwide-from the announcement of the WHO until the gradual opening on May; and (4) during May. The effect of year and month were controlled in the models (Supplementary Table S2). Interestingly, the world trends, according to the Google Trends data, were found to be similar to that we report herein for Israel (Fig. 3). The trends of worldwide searches online for “adopt a dog” were significantly higher during the periods of the outbreak in China, as well as during the period many countries (Fig. 3d–f).

Both internationally hunt (orange) and you may United states of america searches (blue) is actually exhibited

Given the sought after getting pets to look at within the pandemic, next section of the studies incorporated surveys emphasizing those who had has just accompanied your dog, including most recent standard puppy owners, to understand more about the latest desire about it boost in demand for adoptable pets.

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